IPS爱谱斯提供控温、控压的PEMEC电解水测试夹具,完美解决了PEM电解水稳定重现评测催化剂、膜电极、PEM膜等的测试需求。按照欧洲JRC测试标准,采用商业的化Ir阳极-Pt阴极在90℃、常压下实现了0 A/cm2到6 A/cm2的LSV测试,尤其在4 A/cm2高电流密度下也得到了顺滑的EIS交流阻抗测试曲线。
Test Conditions:
Anode:Ir-based (2.5 mg/cm2 for iridium)
Cathode:Pt-based (0.95 mg/cm2 for platinum)
Membrane: Nafion 115
LSV and EIS were were carried out at 90 °C and ambient pressure according to JRC protocols.
LSV: from 0 A/cm2 to 6 A/cm2
EIS: was performed at 0.25 A/cm2, 1 A/cm2, and 4 A/cm2 and an amplitude of 100, 200, and 500 mA, respectively, from 100 mHz to 50 kHz.